Upcoming Special Services & Events
December 15
3:00 p.m.
Come Celebrate a Musical Celtic Christmas!
For decades a talented band of Celtic musicians has played to sold-out audiences in Virginia with brilliant renditions of Irish and Scottish songs and tunes. Loving nick-named "The Dwarves" (for historical reasons too complicated to explain here), the band will perform an "At The Parish House" concert.
December 22
8:00 & 10:00 a.m.
Advent IV
Conclude the Advent Season with Holy Eucharist Rite I at 8 a.m. and Holy Eucharist Rite II at 10:30 a.m.
December 24
4:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve: A Piedmont Christmas
3:30 | music
4:00 | service
This Christmas Eve service is simple and a bit informal. Candles light the church as daylight fades to evening. Greenery and poinsettias decorate the space. We sing favorite traditional carols that many know by heart. Music spans several genres including classical, Appalachian and Celtic offerings by talented soloists. The liturgy is also simple in deference to families with little children. That said, the service is full of wonder and delight as we celebrate our Savior’s birth. The service is preceded by thirty minutes of special music for the Christmas season.
December 24
10:00 p.m.
Christmas Eve: The Christ Mass
9:30 | music
10:00 | service
This is the traditional service that the Episcopal Church and Church of England are known for the world over. Candlelight, organ music, a choir, and clergy tell the Christmas story in word, song, and sacrament. There is a certain warm mystical experience when all of the pieces come together to tell the wonder of Christ’s birth in a stable to a lowly couple in Bethlehem. We always end singing “Silent Night” in the semi-darkness as a lullaby for the newborn king. The service is preceded by thirty minutes of special music for the Christmas season. ​
December 25
10:00 a.m.
Christmas Day: Holy Eucharist II
O come all ye faithful to sing out our thanksgivings and joy for the birth of Christ the Lord. In is now Christmas Day and we can sing aloud and offer a full-throated celebration of the birth of Christ and the Incarnation. Join us for this festive service on the day we have waited for since the beginning of Advent. Holy Communion is part of this service.