Whoever you are and wherever you come from, we would like you to join us for worship. We think your time with us will encourage and strengthen you. We know we will be strengthened by your presence among us.
Emmanuel Episcopal Church at 105 East Washington Street, was built in 1842; although Episcopalians had been worshiping in Middleburg for many years before that. Our parishioners come from many different backgrounds, nationalities, and careers. We share a longing to see and hear God in the world and Christ in all people. We are inquisitive, welcoming, friendly, nurturing, active in our community, and joyful.
We look forward to meeting you.
Gene LeCouteur, Rector

We have three worship service each week:
Sunday @ 8 a.m. | Our Holy Eucharist service is Rite One. It is characterized by worship language similar to the King James Bible.
Sunday @ 10:30 a.m. | Our service is Holy Eucharist: Rite Two. The language in this service is more modern. We sing several hymns, and we have a choir to help lead worship. This service is also livestreamed here.
Summer Sundays @ 10:00 a.m. only.
All Sunday services include Holy Communion.
Wednesday @ 5:30 p.m. | Our Evening Prayer is a quiet, candlelit service. We say prayers and psalms, hear scripture and go home in peace. We hope this short, contemplative service helps you to re-center in God midweek.
Please call (540.687.6297)
or email to connect.
People often ask,
“How can I join Emmanuel?”
The easiest way is to worship with us on Sundays and Wednesdays or online.
If you are not a current member of the Episcopal Church then speak with the rector, Gene LeCouteur, and he can work with you to determine what is necessary. It can be as simple as being received by the bishop if you are already a baptized and confirmed member in another Christian tradition.
Otherwise there might be a period of study and conversations with the rector that lead to baptism and/or confirmation. Whatever your situation you do not have to jump through lots of hoops to become a member.
Or call (540.687.6297)
or email to connect.
You are welcome here.

You do not have to be a member of Emmanuel Church or even an Episcopalian to participate.
Everything at Emmanuel Church
is open to everyone.
From Blessing of the Animals to Seven Loaves Food Pantry ... Hand Bell Choir to Knitter Sisters ... AA & Al Anon to Garden Club ... these and many, many more programs to connect, learn, and serve are at Emmanuel Episcopal Church.